Some of the projects
that i have worked on.

Personal Projects.



Logar is an Authentication application where users can signup and log in with email or with a Google account login. If a user has forgotten the password then they can request for reset password. The application uses Firebase authentication.



Cinefic is an app where users can view Upcoming, Popular, Top rated, and Currently Playing Movies and TV shows. For a movie, the user can view all the details like cast, productions, trailers, shorts, and ratings, and for TV shows you can view all the details like episodes, cast, production, videos, and season-wise info. The API used here is The Movie Database.


A Human Resource app that simplifies HR and employee tasks with a variety of features such as Employee Data Management, Attendance Tracking, and Reports. The app is currently in development.



This is an app for the analytics of my portfolio that provides real-time data and insights about the website's performance. It can track website traffic, visitor behavior, traffic sources, page views, user location, and much more.

RGN Auth

RGN Auth - An Authentication using ReactJS, GraphQL and NestJS with JWT Token and Passport.js.

Node JWT Auth

An Authentication API In Node.js (Express) with JWT Token.

Projects on which i contributed while working for the some of the cool companies

ProLance IT

Inventory Management System

Inventory Management System

Built inventory management system from scratch in Next.js with TypeScript. Written test cases for the system using the tool Cypress.

Developed Inventory for the Food ordering and maintenance system which includes two roles Store manager and Purchase manager.

next.js, cypress

Admin Panel - Dating Site

Admin Panel - Dating Site

Developed an Admin Panel for a dating site in React as a front-end language.

Coordinated with Back-end Developer for improving and maintaining the Back-end which was in NestJS and GraphQL.

react, graphql


UBS Website

UBS Website

Developed in-house websites developed in HTML/CSS, JavaScript, and WordPress as a Backend service.

html/css, javascript, jquery



Collaborated with a team of 10+ developers, designers, and QA to develop and maintain the web application.

react, html/css

Artoon Solutions

Sundance Film Festival (2021)

Sundance Film Festival (2021)

Developed and maintained 4+ highly responsive websites using React.js, and HTML5/CSS3.

react, html/css

Artoon Solutions - Website

Artoon Solutions - Website

Maintained their In-House website, Communicated with Designers and Website Admin for updating and improving the website, Also Developed a variety of landing pages for various development processes.

html/css, javascript, jquery



Developed the website from scratch, Impletmented custom logic to upload media, view media files in their respective folder.

html/css, javascript, jquery



Worked with a team of Back-end Developers and designers to develop the website, Also customized the leaflet map to meet the requirements.

html/css, javascript, jquery

NuView Treatment

NuView Treatment

Developed the website with a tech stack that includes HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and jQuery.

html/css, javascript, jquery



Implemented new pages, optimized javascript code to improve performance, and fixed some of the critical bugs.

html/css, javascript, jquery